Solve Your Weak Penis Erection, Early Ejaculation - 'Mulondo Herb'

Are you dissatisfied by your sexual life? 
Are you having a weak erection? 
Is early ejaculation your problem? 
Is it a small penis? 
Are these problems affecting your sex life? 
I am going to introduce you to African sexual herbs that have been in use in Africa since time immemorial. The evidence of usage of these herbs lies in the high child birth on the continent and stickiness of women to their partners despite the low level wealth. Many men have more than one wife openly and none of them is complaining. It is not an easy fit.
There is a secret to this. The secret lies with the traditional herbal medicine men take before sex and it does wonders for their sexual relationships. This herbal 'viagra' that does not have any side effects to the users. Traditional African men and women have been using it since time immemorial and it is responsible for the explosion of the population in most parts of the continent. One of the best natural herbal sexual enhancer is the 'mulondo' herb.
The 'mulondo' is a wonder sexual herb like no other. It is indigenous to East Africa. The 'mulondo' is used to control early ejaculation and increase your erection. It targets those parts of your body responsible for sexual stimulation and ejaculation. It increases the stimulation as well as increasing the blood into your penis. The result is a longer sexual performance and a stronger erection.

Many African men are capable of having sex with their several wives on a daily basis leaving each of them satisfied. They allocate each woman a day and each woman is always looking forward to her day with her husband. She knows that he will perform effectively thanks to the 'mulondo' herb.
When you use the 'mulondo' herb things are going to change in your sexual life. You are going to have a longer erection. You are going to take longer to ejaculate. Your woman is going to see a new you. There is going to be a change in your relationship immediately. 
Get the 'mulondo' herb today.

Do you need the Mulondo Herb:

Email or Call today:

Call or Whatsapp: +27 73 939 5926


Penis Enlargement - Using Hebs - Entengo

You need a big penis to satisfy your woman. If you have a small penis you are at a very big disadvantage and you have to do something drastic about it now, TODAY.

A penis which is NOT big is only comparable to early ejaculation as a great DISADVANTAGE you have as a sexually active man. You are a shame to you and your woman. You will forever leave your woman very dissatisfied, unless if you are very good at using it and at fore play. When your woman is dissatisfied sexually she will either leave you or cheat on you. This is a fact.

A penis is a muscle, to grow it, it must be exercised. One of the ways to exercise it, is to have sex often. This does not happen for a long time of your life because children are not expected to have sex. It is even illegal in most societies. You therefore grow and reach adulthood with a small penis. SAD.

When you marry or get a girlfriend in adulthood that is when you realize that your penis is small due to in activity. This leaves you at a major disadvantage; you can not satisfy the sexual demands of your partner. It is not your fault, but regrettably it leads to your partner cheating on you to find satisfaction.

You can make your penis bigger in your adulthood through usage of an African herb called ‘Entengo’.

The 'Entengo' herb is common in many parts of Africa. I have the Entengo herb and I can assist you grow your penis quickly. 'Entengo' over stimulates the sensory parts of your brain responsible for sex. This leads to more blood flowing through your penis than normal forcing it to extend beyond its normal size during an erection. Every time it does this, it tears within and grows bigger never returning to its original size. When this happens often your penis grows bigger and faster than any other penis enlargement method.

A big penis is good for a relationship. Your partner will forever be satisfied with you. There is no chance of cheating. She will actually tell other women and do not be surprised when friends of your wife or girlfriend start making secret moves on you. They know the secret from your wife or girlfriend.

Do you need the Entengo Herb:

Email or Call today:

Call or Whatsapp: +27 73 939 5926


Low Libido will Kill Your Relationship but the Kitiko herb can save you:

You will lose your man or woman if there is no sex in your relationship. That is guaranteed. Lack of sex is caused by many things but one major one is low libido.

Low libido is that lack of sex drive in you. You do not feel that you want anything to do with sex. You do not even want your partner to touch you. Sex is just another bother. Your relationship is definitely going to fail.  No relationship can exist without sex.

If one of the partners is sexually inactive then the other partner will either move on, move out or find side partners to satisfy themselves. This is the beginning of the end.

You do not need to despair. Your sexual appetite can be restored with the Kitiko libido herb.

Major causes of low libido:

 1. Stress: Stress completely kills the desire to have sex. Your body becomes weak and completely uninterested in any sexual activity. You can become active in sports to reduce your stress levels.

2. Depression. Depression is a sickness that kills your libido. Depression will reduce the hormones that bring about the sex drive. Depression will therefore reduce your urge to have sex.

3. Low Self-Esteem. The moment you do not love yourself you will not feel like having sex with any person.
4. Alcohol or Drug Abuse is another cause of low libido. Over use of alcohol and drugs will have a severe effect on your sexual drive.
5. Medication. Some medications used to treat depression, high blood pressure, and other common illnesses can affect libido or cause sexual dysfunction.

6. Menopause. Women may experience low libido during menopause. This is a major problem that will kick your husband out of your marital home.

The Kitiko herb will restore your sex drive: 

Some of these problems can easily be treated and reversed, but you need a boost to get your libido back. That is when the Kitiko herb comes in to lift your libido.

The Kitiko herb will quickly stimulate your libido and it will make you feel like having sex all the time. The Kitiko herb works by restoring the hormones that trigger the sex drive. The kitiko herb will produce a lot of those hormones and your sex drive will come back into full swing, just like when you were young.

Do you need the Kitiko Herb:

Email or Call today:

Call or Whatsapp: +27 73 939 5926


End your Early Ejaculation Problem with Catuaba Herb Today.

Yes it is possible to last longer in bed with your woman. Lasting longer will satisfy both you and your woman more. She will be less obliged to cheat on you. Your relationship with your woman will become stronger and your woman will feel more jealousy about you.

If you ejaculate early and bore your woman to death a leave her permanently unsatisfied then your relationship is in danger. You need Catuaba herb today to solve this problem now! 

Early ejaculation is caused by either psychological or biological reasons.

Psychological Reasons:

Hurried sex in the past may lead to a permanent way to have sex in a man's life. If you had sex hurriedly in order to avoid something then this may remain with you through your life.

If you are afraid that you will not get an erection or that you will lose your erection quickly then this will lead to quick ejaculation in order to get that quick satisfaction.

A bad relationship with your current partner may also lead to early ejaculation so that you get it done and move on.

Biological Reasons:

Hormonal problems – you cold be having hormonal imbalance.

Abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system and many other problems.

There is a solution for both psychological and biological early ejaculation problem.

Get Catuaba Herbs Now:

The solution lies in a herb called Catuaba. Catuaba will override all these outlying problems and give you a strong erection that will deter early ejaculation up to 45 minutes or 1 hour of uninterrupted sexual performance.

Do you need the Catuaba Herb:

Email or Call today:

Call or Whatsapp: +27 73 939 5926
